Download black thorne gba
Download black thorne gba

download black thorne gba

My favorite moment in this playthrough was when I had a single health left on a level, and I had wiped all the enemies in the area out, but to get to the next area I would have to drop into a killer plant, which would kill me because. Generators where you need the right bomb to detonate, Leviatators to reach higher areas, the right keys for bridges and doors, etc.

download black thorne gba

The action is well paced, the enemies are satisfying to kill, the level layouts are designed with lock and key adventure concepts but masked pretty well for a game of this sort. But aside from that, the game holds up really well. There are certain areas where you need to make these really tricky jumps and if you fail you die instantly and have to do everything in the level again. That's probably the only dated part of the game. Been playing it on and off so some of the cheaper deaths wouldn't get to me. I finally beat the game after almost a week. Blackthorne though, this is the real deal! Satisfying, kickass, and surprisingly filled with really good level design. That turned out to be a little more frustrating than I would have liked, but it definitely scratched the itch for a bit.

download black thorne gba

I've been craving a retro shooter/platformer lately, and I was playing Rolling Thunder again last month. Blizzard's been putting up their old classics for free on the site since late last year, so I figured it was time to give Blackthorne another spin.

Download black thorne gba